Publications for Jost Zetzsche, Ph.D.



Encountering Bare-Bones Christianity. International Writers' Group. 2021.

Characters with Character: 50 Ways to Rekindle Your Love Affair with Language. Multilingual Media. 2021.


Translation Matters! CreateSpace. 2017.


Found in Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives and Transforms the World. Co-authored with Nataly Kelly. New York: Perigee/Penguin. 2012.

Norwegian translation: Ta det ord og la det vandre: Hvordan språk former vårt liv og forandrer verden. Oslo: Cappelen Damm AS. 2014.

Greek translation: Για να μην είμαστε χαμένοι στη μετάφραση: Πωσ η γλωσσα διαμορφωνει τη ζωη μασ και μεταμορφωνει τον κοσμο. Athens: Pedio. 2017.

Russian translation: Тонкости перевода: Как язык влияет на нашу жизнь и преобразует мир. Moscow: KoLibri. 2020.


A Translator's Tool Box for the 21st Century: A Computer Primer for Translators. Winchester Bay: International Writers' Group. 2003-2022. (From 2022 on in collaboration with Nora Díaz)


The Bible in China: History of the Union Version or The Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 45. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica. 1999.   

Chinese translation: 合 本與中文聖經翻譯. 香港: 國際聖經協會. Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) Ltd. 2002. Translated by Daniel K. T. Choi (蔡錦圖).


"Translation Insights & Perspectives (TIPs)" at

Articles and Podcasts


"Sign Language Bible Translations Have Something to Say to Hearing Christians." (co-authored with Ruth Anna Spooner). Christianity Today (2025).

Finding the Full Meaning of Scripture in the Treasure Chest of Bible Translation." Bible Gateway (2025).


"The Gift of the Prince of Peace." Bible Gateway (2024).


Bible Insights from World Languages: Interview with Mark Ward (podcast).

Lectionary in The Christian Century: Genesis 45:1–15; Psalm 133.

Forgive and Forget? Christian Century (2023).

Lectionary in The Christian Century: Matthew 16:13-20.

Losing puns in translation. Christian Century (2023).

The Language of Faith: Bible translation throughout the centuries. MultiLingual (2023).

How 3500 translation can enrich a text feat. Jost Zetzsche (podcast).

"Holy Week Through the Eyes of the Languages of the World." YouVersion (2023).


Essentially Translatable Podcast: Translation Insights (podcast).

"10 Biblical Terms I Wish Christians Had in English." Christianity Today (2022).

Indonesian translation: 10 Istilah Alkitab yang Menarik dalam Bahasa Lain

"How Do You Translate 'Filled with the Holy Spirit'?" Christianity Today (2022).

Spanish translation: ¿Cómo se traduce ‘lleno del Espíritu Santo’?

Mandarin translation (Simplified): “被圣灵充满”究竟是什么意思?

Mandarin translation (Traditional): 「被聖靈充滿」究竟是什麼意思?

ATA Business Practices Blog: Next Level Interviews with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).


A Day in the Life of a Language Lover, with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).

Language Geeks Need This Book: Characters with Character (feat. Jost Zetzsche) (podcast).

memoQ talks #9: Best practices of using MT with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).

Episode 41 of Smart Habits for Translators: Smart Habits for Using Technology in Our Work with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).

"(More) Advanced Human-Computer Interaction for Translators: A Conversation with Samuel Läubli and Nico Herbig."  The ATA Chronicle 50/1 (2021): 30-35.

"Announcement: Translation Insights and Perspectives" Journal of Translation 16/1 (2020): 32.


"How Interpreters Are Making the Switch to Remote Interpreting in a COVID World." The ATA Chronicle 50/4 (2020) 36-37.

Podcast: "Translation Insights and Perspectives – exploring the riches of the world’s languages" Interview by Andrew Case.

"Women and Machine Translation: A Conversation with Lynne Bowker, Sharon O’Brien, and Vassilina Nikoulina." The ATA Chronicle 49/6 (2020): 25-29.

"Blessed by ‘The Blessing’ in the World's Indigenous Languages." Christianity Today (2020).

"Listening to the Multilingual God: John's Prologue." YouVersion (2020).

"Every Language: Listening To The Multilingual God." YouVersion (2020).

"Bible Stories." ITI Bulletin March-April (2020): 22-23.

"What is the Translation Insights and Perspectives (TIPs) website and how can it help your Bible Society?" Interview with Andrea Rhodes for UBS-internal website (2020).

"Is God Male? The Divine Chinese Pronoun." Patheos (2020). 

"Freelance Translators' Perspectives." The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. Ed. Minako O'Hagan. Routledge: Oxford/New York: 166-182.

"How Interpreters Are Making the Switch to Remote Interpreting in a COVID World." The ATA Chronicle 49/4 (2020): 36-37.

"Talking with the Developer of GT4T." The ATA Chronicle 49/2 (2020): 34-36.


ATA SPD Podcast: An Interview with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).

"Thoughts on Naver Papago with MT Engineer Lucy Park." The ATA Chronicle 48/6 (2019 ) :  30-31.


"Language Technology Wiki: A Project “Devoted to Helping Evolve the Next Generation of Language Technology with Your Help." The ATA Chronicle 47/2 (2018): 29-30.

"10 Bible Translations You’ve Never Heard Of: Why we should read lesser-known versions of the Bible." Christianity Today 3 (2018): 36-43.

Tools and Translators: Interview by Vijayalaxmi Hegde with Jost Zetzsche.

Foreword to Translator Opinion Poll 2018.


"Speaking with OmegaT’s Project Manager." The ATA Chronicle 46/6 (2017): 32-33.

"Computer-aided translation (CAT)" The Language of Localization. Katherine Brown-Hoekstra (ed.) Content Stategy Series. Laguna Hills: XML Press: 68-69.

"圣经故事:当代中国大陆的 西方文化启蒙读本."圣 经文学研究 14 (2017): 289-308.

"Language Sketching." The ATA Chronicle 46/5 (2017): 46-47.

"Speaking with Paul Filkin about SDL's AppStore." The ATA Chronicle 46/4 (2017): 32-34.


Marketing Tips for Translators: Interview with Tess Whitty.

"Prólogo." Manual de informática aplicada de Traducción. Damián Santilli. Buenos Aires; Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. 15-17.

"Lilt: Translation environment tool of a different kind." MultiLingual 157 (2016): 15-17.


"How Translation Changes You And Me." The Definite Guide To Website Localization. Lionbridge: 94-95.

"Translation Technology." How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator, Third Edition. Corinne McKay. Two Rats Press: 131-156.

"ABBYY SmartCat." MultiLingual 151 (2015): 12-14.

"The History of Translation Technology in the United States." Co-authored with Jennifer DeCamp. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology. Ed. Sin-Wai Chan. Routledge: Oxford/New York: 375-392.


"I am a TRANSLATOR and I say it with great pride!" (podcast)

"MadCap Lingo 8." MultiLingual 141 (2014): 10-12.

"Equalizer or Differentiator? Why Technology Belongs in Every Company’s Narrative."  GALAxy Newsletter Q1 2014.


"Computing for the Newbie." The Savvy Newcomer: ATA's Blog for Newbies to Translation and Interpreting.

"Man som matar svanar i snön." facköversättaren 5/13: 10-11.

"On Good Terms With Terminologists." Co-authored with Barbara Inge Karsch, The ATA Chronicle 42/10 (2013): 11-14.

"Knowing What the Bible 'Really' Means:  Why multiple translations might even be better than Scripture in its original languages." Christianity Today 4 (2013): 42-25.

"How to Avoid Catastrophes." Mox II. What they don't tell you about translation. Alejandro Moreno-Ramos et al. Vita Brevis, 2012: 73-75.

Interview with Alan Melby, The Big Wave 4. Reposted on International Writers' Group's site.

"The Panic-Stricken Translator." Encounters 1 (2013): 8.

"Fifty Shades of Grey." Co-authored with Charlotte Brasler, The ATA Chronicle 42/2 (2013): 13-17.

"Piercing the Veil: OMG, You Say They Do What?" Interview by María Cristina de la Vega, The ATA Chronicle 42/1 (2013): 27-29.


Interview by Luigi Muzii, The Big Wave 3. Reposted on International Writers' Group's site. 

"Translation Technology Comes Full Circle" Multilingual 127 (2012): 50-51.


"Software gegen babylonische Sprachverwirrung" Interview by (Austrian Broadcasting).

"Things Can Only Get Better" The ATA Chronicle 40/3 (2011): 24-26.

"Insights from the Tech Desk: Sitting Down with Jost Zetzsche" Interview by Marcela Jenney, The ATA Chronicle 40/2 (2011): 10-13.


"Data Standards: Can They Help Us and Can We Help Them?" Co-authored with Alan Melby, The ATA Chronicle 39/10 (2010): 19-23.

"Fluency: Review" Multilingual 115 (2010): 15-17.


"Let's Talk: Trados and the Google Translator Toolkit." The ATA Chronicle 38/10 (2009): 18-21.

"A True Tool Box." The ATA Chronicle 38/2 (2009): 22-25.

"Translator Profiles: On the Name of God, Jim Knopf, Passion, the Mind, and Being a Translator." Translation Journal 13/1 (2009).


"The Role of Open-Source Tools." MDÜ 54/4 (2008): 51-53.

"The Translation Technology Run-Down." MultiLingual 98 (2008) Getting Started Guide Translation: 7-9.

"Warped Perceptions of Translation Technology." MultiLingual 98 (2008): 74.

"The Other Term Question - The Translation of βαπτίζω and its Effects on the Protestant Mission in China." Jian Dao 30 (2008): 129-142.

"Of Translators and Librarians" tcworld March/April 2008: 20-21.


"Translation Memory: State of the Technology." MultiLingual 90 (2007): 34-38. 

"We Think, Therefore We Are . . ." IEEE Professional Communication Society Newsletter 51/6 (2007).

"Running on Empty?" tcworld May/June 2007: 14-15.

"The World According to Gap." The ATA Chronicle 36/4 (2007): 27-30.

"Format Field Switches in Word." The Link (Newsletter of ALCUS), January 2007.


"Frustrations with Word." Bridges (AAIT Newsletter), Fall Issue (2006): 7-8.

"Language as a Commodity." MultiLingual 82 (2006): 86. 

"Time Management Tools for Translators." MultiLingual 80 (2006): 53-54. 

"PDF: Pretty Darn Frustrating?" Circuit 91 (2006): 29. 

"Choosing the Right Key: Switching Keyboards on a Windows System." The ATA Chronicle 35/4 (2006): 34-38.

"Translation Tools Come Full Circle." MultiLingual 77 (2006): 41-44. 

"Navigating the Translation Environment Tool Market." The ATA Chronicle 35/3 (2006): 21-22. 


"Absalom Sydenstricker: A Ruling Minority of One." The Missionary Kaleidoscope: Portraits of Six China Missionaries. Eds. Kathleen L. Lodwick, Wah Cheng. The Missionary Enterprise in Asia. Norwalk: EastBridge: 116-152.

"Ya no podemos trabajar cómo lo hacía San Jerónimo" (Interview) Revista CTPCBA 75 (2005): 14-15.

"De-Hyping Translation Memory: True Benefits, Real Differences, and an Educated Guess about its Future." The ATA Chronicle 34/6 (2005): 29-33.

"Gützlaffs Bedeutung für die protestantischen Bibelübersetzungen ins Chinesische" ["Gützlaff's Relevance for the History of Chinese Protestant Bible Translation"]. Karl Gützlaff (1803-1851) und das Christentum in Ostasien. Eds. Thoralf Klein, Reinhard Zöllner. Collectana Serica. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 155-171.

"Controlling What Programs Windows Runs Automatically." NotaBene 28/3 (2005), 7 and interaktiv, June 2006, 12.

"Translation Memories: The Discovery of Assets." MultiLingual 72 (2005):  43-45.

Various excerpts from the Tool Kit newsletter on

Excerpts from the Tool Kit newsletter on (see 1, 2, 3, and 4).

"Managing Our Language." MultiLingual 70 (2005): 66.


"The Catch-22 of the Translation Industry." ACCTI Newsletter 1 (2004).

French translation: "Les désarrois de l'industrie de la traduction." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 1 (2004).

"CAT Tools - Sorting Things Out." ACCTI Newsletter 2 (2004).

French translation: "Outils d'aide informatisés - faisons la part des choses." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 2 (2004).

"And they shall no longer remain nameless." Feature Article, ACCTI Newsletter 3 (2004).

French translation: "Ils ne demeureront plus anonymes." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 3 (2004).

"Taking Inventory with Saint Jerome: How Well Equipped Are Our Computers?" The ATA Chronicle 33/7 (2004): 26-28.

"Tapping Into the Olympic Spirit: The Pillars of Translation." NOTIS News 17/3 (2004) and Translatum 4 (2004).

"Technical Tools for Translators." PLData 13/4 (2004).

Romanian translation: "Instrumente utile pentru traducători." ATR Flash 7 (2005).


"TMX Implementation in Major Translation Tools." MultiLingual 54 (2003): 23-26.

"Are We Stupid?" The ATA Chronicle 32/2 (2003): 22-23.


"The Missionary and the Chinese 'Helper': A Re-Appraisal of the Chinese Role in the Case of Bible Translation in China." Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China 3 (2000): 5-20.

"Die Übersetzung der Bibel ins Chinesische." ["Chinese Bible Translation"]. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel. Sonderheft 2: Entlang der Seidenstraße 2002: 62-63.

"Integrating Translation Tools with Document Creation." Co-authored with Kirsi Rintanen. MultiLingual 50 (2002): 42-44.

"Indigenizing the 'Name Above All Names': Chinese Transliterations of Jesus Christ." The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ Vol. 1. Ed. Roman Malek. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 50/1. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 141-155.


"Translation Databases for Web Site Localization." MultiLingual 39 (2001): 45-48.

"Symposium über Karl Gützlaff" ["Karl Gützlaff Symposium"]. China Heute 20 (2001): 140.


"Macau, Robert Morrison und die chinesische Bibel." ["Macao, Robert Morrison and the Chinese Bible"]. Macau: Herkunft ist Zukunft. Ed. Roman Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum: 499-514.


"The Work of Lifetimes: Why the Union Version Took Nearly Three Decades to Complete." The Bible in Modern China: The Literary and Intellectual Impact. Eds. Irene Eber, Knut Walf, Sze-Kar Wan. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 45. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 77-100.


"Internationale Konferenz über James Legge (1815-1897)" ["International Conference on James Legge"]. China Heute 16 (1997): 37-38.

"Tianzhu, Shangdi oder Shen? Zur Entstehung der christlichen chinesischen Terminologie" ["Tianzhu, Shangdi or Shen? On the Development of Christian Chinese Terminology"]. Chun (Chinesischunterricht) 13 (1997): 23-34.

"Kantonesische Bibel veröffentlicht" ["Cantonese Bible Published"]. China Heute 16 (1997): 74-75.

"Cultural Primer or Gospel? Bible Stories in Contemporary China." Asian and African Studies 6.2 (1997): 217-232.


"Aspekte der chinesischen Bibelübersetzung" ["Aspects of Chinese Bible Translation"]. Fallbeispiel China. Beiträge zur Religion, Theologie und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext. [Case Study China. Contributions on Religion, Theology, and Church in the Chinese Context]. Ed. R. Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum: 29-88.


"BIBEL IN CHINA (II): Transkriptionen von 'Jesus Christus'" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (II): Transcriptions of 'Jesus Christ'"]. China Heute 14 (1995): 17-19.

"BIBEL IN CHINA (III): Terminologische Einflüsse von Denksystemen nichtchristlichen Ursprungs auf das chinesische christliche Vokabular" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (III): Terminological Influences of Systems of Thought of Non-Christian Origin on the Chinese Christian Vocabulary"]. China Heute 15 (1995): 46-55.


"BIBEL IN CHINA (I): Transkriptionen in den chinesischen Bibelübersetzungen" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (I): Transcriptions in Chinese Bible Translations"]. China Heute 13 (1994): 178-185.

Newsletters and Regular Columns

"The Tool Box Journal -- A newsletter for people in the translation industry who want to get more out of their computers." From January 2004.

Tool Box Journal archives available for Premium subscribers.

"GeekSpeak." Technical column in ATA Chronicle from January 2007: Translation Memory AuthoringLearning the Tools of the Trade, Fragile Environments, Windows Vista and Office 2007, Shifting Gears for Smoother Termbase Performance, If I Had a Hammer, Seek and Ye Shall Find, On the Way to Out-Geeking Yourself (Speech Recognition), The Joy of Using Text Editors, TM Sharing, Digital Natives, Spinning the Crystal Ball, Savor This, The Sky is Falling, Windows Only. . ., Captain Sutter, A Maze of TEnTs, As Iron Sharpens Iron, "Lesser" Languages, Hard Times Bring Opportunities, The Update Craze, What the Font?, Be a Drag, The Old Is Gone, the New Has Come, Interpreting URLs, Searching for Dependency, The Gutsy Move, About Missed Opportunities, DTP Conundrums, What's Up?, Get Those Things Out of There!, Schereschewsky and the Cloud, Technology with a Human Face, With All Due Respect, Got Translation?, Transcreation, Better a Bottle in Front of Me Than a Frontal Lobotomy?, Historic Breakthroughs, Cultural Rifts, Data is Good, Right?, Training Machines, An Ode to Unicode, The F Word Again, One Sweet Box of Chocolate, Automation Addiction, Cloud Illusions?, Twitterpated, Dedideheril Versus Dedideherilid, Wikipedia for Translators, The Year of the Translator, A New Specimen, The Spice of Life, Mis-Aligned, Avoiding the Leapfrog, Talking Points, More Is Better, Honing Strategies, Man Feeding Swans in the Snow, One Tool You Should Have, Getting Physical, Reaching Excellence and Staying Real, Using the Crowd, Little Tricks to Harness Big Egos, Lame Jokes, What's Wrong With Translation Technology, How Developments in Translation Technology Are Creating New Business Models, Good News!, Bleeding Hearts(ome), The Translator Must Always Be the Boss!, Blazing Trails That Never End, Hard Numbers, Twicks, Data and the Fine Print, or How to Create a Sh*tstorm, A Cautionary Tale, The Measure of Intelligence is the Ability to Change, Sharing Some Love With the Machine, Where Are We Headed?, Learning From the Past, Rethinking Payments, Taking Advantage of an Opportunity, Neural Machine Translation, Don't Take my Word for It, Morphing Into the Promised Land, DeepL Questions, Translators without Borders and Technology, Too Much Data?, Augmented Translation, Wondrous Things at the ATA59 Dictionary ExchangeArtificial Intelligence and Translation Technology, Using Neural Machine Translation Beyond Post-Editing, Fake News, Of Translators and Librarians, Taking Screenshots on a Windows System, Like Two Porcupines Making Love--VERY CAREFULLY!, What Are Translation-Specific Tool Providers and Developers Doing to Assist Translators During COVID-19?Business Diversification?, Our Extremely Diverse (Translation) World, Social Media and Translators, Data Privacy and MT Engines, Intento for Translators, ModernMT, Selling Data, Crowdin, Voice Recognition in Windows 11, The All-New Trados, Ridiculous Generosity, Is the Machine Translation Market Maturing?

"The Translorial Tool Kit." Tools of the Trade column in Translorial (Newsletter of Northern California Translators Association) from 2005-2014.

Translation Journal, 2007-2013 (all articles reposted on International Writers' Group's site): Machine Translation RevisitedTranslating on Good TermsCreating the Ideal Word Processing Environment in Translation Environment Tools,Technology and the Fine Arts, To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade, Getting GraphicOn the Name of God, Jim Knopf, Passion, the Mind, and Being a Translator, From Mechanics to Managers, The Google Translation Center That Was to Be, Pondering and Wondering, Consider the Luddites, Hostile Takeover? Welcome Addition? Machine Translation Enters the World of the TranslatorThe New Five-Year-Rule, Industrious? Yes. Industry? Maybe Not, Building Blocks, Voices, I Hear Voices, Olympic Targets, The Most Prized Possession of All, Friendly Files and Fancy Formats, The Ukrainian Cornucopia of Tools, Social Investments

ITI Bulletin (Publication of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, UK), monthly technical column from May 2012.

TAUS Review, 2014-2016: Telling Stories, Mission Possible, Data on Data, Dunes


"Hongkong: Kirche und Gesellschaft im Übergang." Ed. Roman Malek. China Review International 7.1 (2000): 146-148.

"Christentum im Reich der Mitte: Aktuelle Thesen und Texte aus China." Ed. Monika Gänßbauer. Asien 77 (2000): 129-131.


International Writers' Group || Jost Zetzsche