Norwegian translation: Ta det ord og la det vandre: Hvordan språk former vårt liv og forandrer verden. Oslo: Cappelen Damm AS. 2014.
Greek translation: Για να μην είμαστε χαμένοι στη μετάφραση: Πωσ η γλωσσα διαμορφωνει τη ζωη μασ και μεταμορφωνει τον κοσμο. Athens: Pedio. 2017.
translation: Тонкости
перевода: Как язык влияет на нашу жизнь и преобразует мир.
Moscow: KoLibri. 2020.
Chinese translation: 和合 本與中文聖經翻譯. 香港: 國際聖經協會. Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) Ltd. 2002. Translated by Daniel K. T. Choi (蔡錦圖).
"The Gift of the Prince of Peace." Bible Gateway (2024).
Bible Insights from World Languages: Interview with Mark Ward (podcast).
Lectionary in The Christian Century: Genesis 45:1–15; Psalm 133.
Forgive and Forget? Christian Century (2023).
Lectionary in The Christian Century: Matthew 16:13-20.
Losing puns in translation. Christian Century (2023).
The Language of Faith: Bible translation throughout the centuries. MultiLingual (2023).
How 3500 translation can enrich a text feat. Jost Zetzsche (podcast).
"Holy Week Through the Eyes of the Languages of the World." YouVersion (2023).
Essentially Translatable Podcast: Translation Insights (podcast).
"10 Biblical Terms I Wish Christians Had in English." Christianity Today (2022).
Indonesian translation: 10 Istilah Alkitab yang Menarik dalam Bahasa Lain
"How Do You Translate 'Filled with the Holy Spirit'?" Christianity Today (2022).
Spanish translation: ¿Cómo se traduce ‘lleno del Espíritu Santo’?
Mandarin translation (Simplified): “被圣灵充满”究竟是什么意思?
Mandarin translation (Traditional): 「被聖靈充滿」究竟是什麼意思?
ATA Business
Blog: Next Level Interviews with Jost Zetzsche
A Day in the Life of a Language Lover, with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).
Language Geeks Need This Book: Characters with Character (feat. Jost Zetzsche) (podcast).
memoQ talks #9: Best practices of using MT with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).
"Announcement: Translation Insights and Perspectives" Journal of Translation 16/1 (2020): 32.
"Blessed by ‘The Blessing’ in the World's Indigenous Languages." Christianity Today (2020).
"Listening to the Multilingual God: John's Prologue." YouVersion (2020).
"Every Language: Listening To The Multilingual God." YouVersion (2020).
"Bible Stories." ITI Bulletin March-April (2020): 22-23.
"Is God Male? The Divine Chinese Pronoun." Patheos (2020).
"Freelance Translators' Perspectives." The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. Ed. Minako O'Hagan. Routledge: Oxford/New York: 166-182.
"Talking with the Developer of GT4T." The ATA Chronicle 49/2 (2020): 34-36.
ATA SPD Podcast: An Interview with Jost Zetzsche (podcast).
"Thoughts on Naver Papago with MT Engineer Lucy Park." The ATA Chronicle 48/6 (2019 ) : 30-31.
Tools and Translators: Interview by Vijayalaxmi Hegde with Jost Zetzsche.
Foreword to Translator Opinion Poll 2018.
"Speaking with OmegaT’s Project Manager." The ATA Chronicle 46/6 (2017): 32-33.
"圣经故事:当代中国大陆的 西方文化启蒙读本."圣 经文学研究 14 (2017): 289-308.
"Language Sketching." The ATA Chronicle 46/5 (2017): 46-47.
"Speaking with Paul Filkin about SDL's AppStore." The ATA Chronicle 46/4 (2017): 32-34.
Marketing Tips for Translators: Interview with Tess Whitty.
"Prólogo." Manual de informática aplicada de Traducción. Damián Santilli. Buenos Aires; Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. 15-17.
"Lilt: Translation environment tool of a different kind." MultiLingual 157 (2016): 15-17.
"How Translation Changes You And Me." The Definite Guide To Website Localization. Lionbridge: 94-95.
"Translation Technology." How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator, Third Edition. Corinne McKay. Two Rats Press: 131-156.
"ABBYY SmartCat." MultiLingual 151 (2015): 12-14.
"The History of Translation Technology in the United States." Co-authored with Jennifer DeCamp. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology. Ed. Sin-Wai Chan. Routledge: Oxford/New York: 375-392.2014
"I am a TRANSLATOR and I say it with great pride!" (podcast)
"MadCap Lingo 8." MultiLingual 141 (2014): 10-12.
"Equalizer or Differentiator? Why Technology Belongs in Every Company’s Narrative." GALAxy Newsletter Q1 2014.2013
"Man som matar svanar i snön." facköversättaren 5/13: 10-11."Knowing What the Bible 'Really' Means: Why multiple translations might even be better than Scripture in its original languages." Christianity Today 4 (2013): 42-25.
"How to Avoid
Catastrophes." Mox II.
What they
tell you about translation.
Alejandro Moreno-Ramos et al. Vita Brevis, 2012: 73-75.
Interview with Alan Melby, The Big Wave 4. Reposted on International Writers' Group's site.
"The Panic-Stricken Translator." Encounters 1 (2013): 8.
"Fifty Shades of Grey." Co-authored with Charlotte Brasler, The ATA Chronicle 42/2 (2013): 13-17.
"Piercing the Veil: OMG, You Say They Do What?" Interview by María Cristina de la Vega, The ATA Chronicle 42/1 (2013): 27-29.
Interview by Luigi Muzii, The Big Wave
3. Reposted on International Writers' Group's site.
"Translation Technology Comes Full Circle" Multilingual 127 (2012): 50-51.
"Software gegen babylonische Sprachverwirrung" Interview by (Austrian Broadcasting).
"Things Can Only Get Better" The ATA Chronicle 40/3 (2011): 24-26.
"Fluency: Review" Multilingual 115 (2010): 15-17.
"Let's Talk: Trados and the Google
Toolkit." The
ATA Chronicle 38/10
(2009): 18-21.
"A True Tool Box." The ATA Chronicle 38/2 (2009): 22-25.
"The Role of Open-Source Tools." MDÜ 54/4 (2008): 51-53.
"Warped Perceptions of Translation Technology." MultiLingual 98 (2008): 74.
"The Other Term Question - The Translation of βαπτίζω and its Effects on the Protestant Mission in China." Jian Dao 30 (2008): 129-142.
"Of Translators and Librarians" tcworld March/April 2008: 20-21.2007
"Translation Memory: State of the Technology." MultiLingual 90 (2007): 34-38.
"We Think, Therefore We Are . . ." IEEE Professional Communication Society Newsletter 51/6 (2007)."Running on Empty?" tcworld May/June 2007: 14-15.
"The World According to Gap." The ATA Chronicle 36/4 (2007): 27-30.
"Format Field Switches in Word." The Link (Newsletter of ALCUS), January 2007.
"Frustrations with Word." Bridges (AAIT Newsletter), Fall Issue (2006): 7-8.
"Language as a Commodity." MultiLingual 82 (2006): 86.
"Time Management Tools for Translators." MultiLingual 80 (2006): 53-54.
"PDF: Pretty Darn Frustrating?" Circuit 91 (2006): 29.
"Translation Tools Come Full Circle." MultiLingual 77 (2006): 41-44.
"Navigating the Translation Environment Tool Market." The ATA Chronicle 35/3 (2006): 21-22.
"Ya no podemos trabajar cómo lo hacía San Jerónimo" (Interview) Revista CTPCBA 75 (2005): 14-15.
"Gützlaffs Bedeutung für die protestantischen Bibelübersetzungen ins Chinesische" ["Gützlaff's Relevance for the History of Chinese Protestant Bible Translation"]. Karl Gützlaff (1803-1851) und das Christentum in Ostasien. Eds. Thoralf Klein, Reinhard Zöllner. Collectana Serica. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 155-171.
"Controlling What Programs Windows Runs Automatically." NotaBene 28/3 (2005), 7 and interaktiv, June 2006, 12.
"Translation Memories: The Discovery of Assets." MultiLingual 72 (2005): 43-45.
excerpts from the Tool
Kit newsletter
from the Tool
newsletter on (see 1,
and 4).
"Managing Our Language." MultiLingual 70 (2005): 66.
"The Catch-22 of the Translation Industry." ACCTI Newsletter 1 (2004).
French translation: "Les désarrois de l'industrie de la traduction." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 1 (2004).
"CAT Tools - Sorting Things Out." ACCTI Newsletter 2 (2004).
French translation: "Outils d'aide informatisés - faisons la part des choses." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 2 (2004).
"And they shall no longer remain nameless." Feature Article, ACCTI Newsletter 3 (2004).
French translation: "Ils ne demeureront plus anonymes." ACCTI Bulletin en ligne 3 (2004).
the Olympic Spirit: The Pillars of Translation." NOTIS
News 17/3 (2004)
and Translatum
4 (2004).
"Technical Tools for Translators." PLData 13/4 (2004).
Romanian translation: "Instrumente utile pentru traducători." ATR Flash 7 (2005).
"TMX Implementation in Major Translation Tools." MultiLingual 54 (2003): 23-26.
"Are We Stupid?" The ATA Chronicle 32/2 (2003): 22-23.
"The Missionary and the Chinese 'Helper': A Re-Appraisal of the Chinese Role in the Case of Bible Translation in China." Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China 3 (2000): 5-20.
"Die Übersetzung der Bibel ins Chinesische." ["Chinese Bible Translation"]. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel. Sonderheft 2: Entlang der Seidenstraße 2002: 62-63.
"Indigenizing the 'Name Above All Names': Chinese Transliterations of Jesus Christ." The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ Vol. 1. Ed. Roman Malek. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 50/1. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 141-155.
"Translation Databases for Web Site Localization." MultiLingual 39 (2001): 45-48.
"Symposium über Karl Gützlaff" ["Karl Gützlaff Symposium"]. China Heute 20 (2001): 140.
"Macau, Robert Morrison und die chinesische Bibel." ["Macao, Robert Morrison and the Chinese Bible"]. Macau: Herkunft ist Zukunft. Ed. Roman Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum: 499-514.
"The Work of Lifetimes: Why the Union Version Took Nearly Three Decades to Complete." The Bible in Modern China: The Literary and Intellectual Impact. Eds. Irene Eber, Knut Walf, Sze-Kar Wan. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 45. Nettetal: Monumenta Serica: 77-100.
"Internationale Konferenz über James Legge (1815-1897)" ["International Conference on James Legge"]. China Heute 16 (1997): 37-38.
"Tianzhu, Shangdi oder Shen? Zur Entstehung der christlichen chinesischen Terminologie" ["Tianzhu, Shangdi or Shen? On the Development of Christian Chinese Terminology"]. Chun (Chinesischunterricht) 13 (1997): 23-34.
"Kantonesische Bibel veröffentlicht" ["Cantonese Bible Published"]. China Heute 16 (1997): 74-75.
"Cultural Primer or Gospel? Bible Stories in Contemporary China." Asian and African Studies 6.2 (1997): 217-232.
"Aspekte der chinesischen Bibelübersetzung" ["Aspects of Chinese Bible Translation"]. Fallbeispiel China. Beiträge zur Religion, Theologie und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext. [Case Study China. Contributions on Religion, Theology, and Church in the Chinese Context]. Ed. R. Malek. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag/St. Augustin: China-Zentrum: 29-88.
"BIBEL IN CHINA (II): Transkriptionen von 'Jesus Christus'" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (II): Transcriptions of 'Jesus Christ'"]. China Heute 14 (1995): 17-19.
"BIBEL IN CHINA (III): Terminologische Einflüsse von Denksystemen nichtchristlichen Ursprungs auf das chinesische christliche Vokabular" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (III): Terminological Influences of Systems of Thought of Non-Christian Origin on the Chinese Christian Vocabulary"]. China Heute 15 (1995): 46-55.
"BIBEL IN CHINA (I): Transkriptionen in den chinesischen Bibelübersetzungen" ["THE BIBLE IN CHINA (I): Transcriptions in Chinese Bible Translations"]. China Heute 13 (1994): 178-185.
"Hongkong: Kirche und Gesellschaft im Übergang." Ed. Roman Malek. China Review International 7.1 (2000): 146-148.
"Christentum im Reich der Mitte: Aktuelle Thesen und Texte aus China." Ed. Monika Gänßbauer. Asien 77 (2000): 129-131.